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Site Map
Site Map
- Home Page - US Wellness provides one place to help organizations manage employee health & well-being. Try our wellness portal, app, coaching, biometric screenings & more.
- Services - US Wellness workforce wellness services include biometric & cancer screenings, wellness portal app, coaching, gaps in care & well-being assessments.
- Biometric Screening - Biometric health screenings for workforce employees help identify risk factors for disease. Our model for screenings is flexible for your company!
- Cancer Screening - US Wellness has partnered with GRAIL to offer GalleriĀ®, the first-of-its-kind multi-cancer early-detection blood test. Employers can utilize the service as part of a workforce wellbeing initiative.
- Wellbeing Solution - Our wellness portal provides employers all the tools they need to inspire change and reduce health costs while reducing time consuming administration.
- Health Coaching - Our health coaches at US Wellness meet employees where they are in their wellness journey to deliver flexible, personal health coaching, education, and support.
- Gaps in Care - Our targeted clinical outreach offers the personal support necessary to improve therapy compliance and adherence, closing the gap in chronic disease management.
- Employers - As employers, you can offer biometric screenings, wellbeing assessments, coaching, cancer risk testing & online portal wellness solutions with US Wellness.
- Brokers - Brokers can utilize our precision wellness programs that will help close the gap in employee health and wellbeing with a variety of our services.
- Careers - Thank you for your interest in working with US Wellness. We are hiring licensed healthcare professionals interested in screening positions throughout the United States.
- Contact Us - Contact us to learn more about our employee well-being services, including our wellness portal, biometric screenings, health coaching, wellness challenges and more.
- Accessibility - At US Wellness, we are committed to providing our users with a website that is accessible to the largest audience possible.
- Privacy Policy - US Wellness is committed to your personal privacy. Our privacy policy explains your choices about how your personal information is used.